One of the most enjoyable parts of camping is the camp food. Before I go camping, I often think about what kind of camp food I should cook while wandering around the supermarket. I may decide to use seasonal ingredients or try smoked food, which is difficult to make at home. After all, camp food is one of the great pleasures of camping. If you are going to go to the trouble of making camp meals, you should also be particular about your cooker and cutlery to get the most out of the outdoor atmosphere. This time, we would like to review “camp chopsticks,” which are often overlooked among such cutlery.

- What are chopsticks specially designed for outdoor use?
- What types of products are available?
- Chopsticks from a 100 yen store are a bit…
- Comfort of “SUNDICK Portable Wooden Chopsticks
- A little customization
- summary
What are chopsticks specially designed for outdoor use?
Ordinary household chopsticks or disposable chopsticks will suffice for just eating, but since you are camping, we recommend that you use chopsticks specially designed for camping in order to enjoy the special atmosphere of the outdoors. Camping in the midst of nature is a special space and experience, so you will want to use cutlery that is different from that of everyday life.
There are various types of chopsticks specially designed for outdoor use, but foldable chopsticks that pursue compactness are popular. The central connection part is screwed together and can be connected when in use. Because they are not bulky, they are easy to store in cookers, mess-tins, etc., and convenient for stacking.
What types of products are available?
What types of outdoor chopsticks are available are listed below.
Titanium ChopsticksTitanium is an extremely lightweight metal, making it ideal for outdoor use. It is resistant to corrosion and rust, and has characteristics that make it resistant to deterioration. It is also resistant to breaking and bending, making it suitable for hard environments such as camping. Titanium has a unique luster and luxurious feel, high heat resistance, low thermal conductivity, and high antibacterial properties, making it a suitable metal for chopsticks. Although it is more expensive than other materials, it can be used for a long time.
Stainless Steel ChopsticksIt is strong, bend-resistant, and rust-resistant, making it safe for use in water. It is slightly heavier than titanium, but has the same low heat resistance and thermal conductivity and lasts longer. The material is also resistant to stains and odors. It is considerably less expensive than titanium, and its moderate weight makes it enjoyable to use.
plastic chopsticksIt is very light and inexpensive. It is strong, but somewhat susceptible to heat and can break or bend. It is available in a variety of colorful and varied designs and is a good material for children and easy camping.
Wooden chopsticksThe texture and feel are excellent, and the beauty and color of the wood grain can be enjoyed. It is also a practical material with moderate friction that makes it easy to grip foodstuffs. Although it has a property of not easily transferring heat, care should be taken not to place it near a bonfire to prevent it from burning. It is also sensitive to moisture and dryness, so it should not be soaked in water or exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time.
folding chopsticksCompact and portable. It can be stored in small spaces such as cookers and mistiness. They come in a wide variety of styles, from simple and practical to fashionable designs.
They are ideal not only for outdoor activities but also for packed lunches, and are suitable for camping because they are both portable and practical.
Each material has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, so why not choose the one that best suits your style?
Chopsticks from a 100 yen store are a bit…
Foldable chopsticks are also available from so-called outdoor manufacturers such as Snow Peak and Montbell, but they are quite expensive, ranging from 2,000 yen to 5,000 yen. There are also many products made of titanium, ultra-lightweight, and other specialties. However, as one would expect, it is difficult to spend that much on chopsticks, so we would like to look for more reasonably priced products.
When it comes to reasonable prices, 100 yen stores are the place to go. Folding chopsticks can be purchased at 100 yen stores. Perhaps you have seen them in the outdoor section of a store. They are stainless steel chopsticks, like those often found in Korean restaurants, and are also separate types that can be connected with screws, and come with a silicon band for storage.

The stainless steel makes them easy to clean and durable against heat, but I personally find them slippery and difficult to use. The chopstick tips are carved with non-slip grooves, but I don’t think they are very effective. I am not very good at feeling the weight, hardness, and coldness of chopsticks when I hold them or when they come in contact with my mouth, so I was looking for wooden chopsticks.
SUNDICK Portable Wooden Chopsticks – Comfort of Use
I would like to introduce to you the SUNDICK Portable Wooden Chopsticks found on Amazon. It comes with a special case with a carabiner for convenient carrying. The price at the time of purchase is 550 yen including tax. The price includes shipping, so it is very reasonable.

These wooden chopsticks are made of natural mahogany wood and are screwed together in the middle like outdoor chopsticks from a 100 yen store. Mahogany wood is a luxurious, deep reddish wood. It is known as a popular material because it is soft and easy to process. The clasp is gold in color and blends in with the wood. The screw part is also nearly 1 cm long, so there seems to be no worry about it coming off during use. In addition, the chopstick tips are processed round, but the handles are processed square, so there is less worry about them rolling off the table. It can be said that these wooden chopsticks are very cost-effective gear, with high quality at a reasonable price.
I think wooden chopsticks are more comfortable than metal ones at campsites. They are lightweight, fit well in the hand, and are not hard like stainless steel chopsticks, so you do not feel any discomfort at all. They can be used not only for camping, but also for everyday use such as lunch boxes.

The length of the chopsticks is just under 21 cm. They are neither too long nor too short, making them easy to use. The weight is also not particularly uncomfortable. Some people may feel uncomfortable with metal when it hits their mouth while eating, but wooden ones are safe.

The size when stored is about 11.5 cm for the handle and less than 11 cm for the tip, including the metal fittings. This size can be stored in a mestin without any problem. The handle is square in shape to prevent rolling.
The size of the special case with carabiner is approximately 13.5 cm in length and 5 cm in width. It comes in a sand color that blends in well with the campsite. It is fastened with Velcro tape. It comes with a carabiner, so even if it is small, you will not have to worry about losing it if you attach it to your bag or storage bag.
A little customization
Folding chopsticks may loosen the screws at the connection during use.So far, we have not yet felt any loosening when using “SUNDICK Portable Wooden Chopsticks,” but there may be individual differences, so here are some custom recommendations to prevent loosening.
The method is to insert a packing into the connection. Packing is a ring-shaped part, mainly made of rubber, that is inserted into the joints of piping to prevent leakage and foreign matter from entering. They are also called “O-rings,” which may be easier to imagine if you think of them as small rubber bands, but they do not seem to stretch. They are used for plumbing, etc., and can be found in the water-related section of a home improvement center.

If you put this between the connecting part of the chopsticks, the friction will prevent the screws from loosening. The packing is small, so be careful not to lose it. It might be better to buy more packing including spares. Also, when washing chopsticks, I think it is better to wash them while they are connected so as not to lose the packing.
There is no sense of discomfort, but rather a sense of increased stylishness with the gold and black color.
I think this will solve the biggest drawback of folding chopsticks and allow you to enjoy camping meals without stress.
Now that I have written about “SUNDICK Portable Wooden Chopsticks,” what do you think? I chose the most cost-effective one this time, but there are many other portable wooden chopsticks besides this product, so please try to find the one you like. Even if it is just a single chopstick, even if it is reasonably priced gear, using something you like will make a big difference in your feelings and atmosphere. We would be happy if we could convey the quality of wooden chopsticks to you, even if only a little.
Read about other unique outdoor items here!
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